From Philippines
Places visited: 25
Regions: 8 / 1121 (1%)
UN member states: 4 / 193 (2%)
UN+ (Countries and territories): 4 / 256 (2%)
TCC list of countries and territories: 4 / 330 (1%)
Asia ✓ Europe ×North America ×Africa ×South America ×Australia and Oceania ×Antarctica ×
Northernmost: Hong Kong Island Hong Kong (22° 14′ N, 114° 12′ E)
Southernmost: Singapore Singapore (1° 17′ N, 103° 51′ E)
Westernmost: Johor Bahru Malaysia (1° 30′ N, 103° 44′ E)
Easternmost: Tagum Philippines (7° 26′ N, 125° 48′ E)
Joined: 1 year ago