Places visited: 240
Regions: 111 / 1099 (10%)
UN member states: 29 / 193 (15%)
UN+ (Countries and territories): 31 / 256 (12%)
TCC list of countries and territories: 35 / 330 (11%)
Europe ✓North America ✓Asia ✓Australia and Oceania ✓ Africa ×South America ×Antarctica ×
Northernmost: Gothenburg 🇸🇪 (57° 42′ N, 11° 58′ E)
Southernmost: Oban 🇳🇿 (46° 53′ S, 168° 7′ E)
Westernmost: Nuku'alofa 🇹🇴 (21° 8′ S, 175° 12′ W)
Easternmost: Gisborne 🇳🇿 (38° 39′ S, 178° 1′ E)
Been to Very rare regionsBeen to Very rare regions Very rare: Tonga
Joined: 5 months ago