Places visited: 451
Regions: 137 / 1093 (13%)
UN member states: 47 / 193 (24%)
UN+ (Countries and territories): 60 / 256 (23%)
TCC list of countries and territories: 69 / 330 (21%)
Europe ✓North America ✓Asia ✓South America ✓ Africa ×Australia and Oceania ×Antarctica ×
Northernmost: Nørvøya 🇳🇴 (62° 28′ N, 6° 12′ E)
Southernmost: Ushuaia 🇦🇷 (54° 48′ S, 68° 18′ W)
Westernmost: Sausalito 🇺🇸 (37° 51′ N, 122° 29′ W)
Easternmost: Malé 🇲🇻 (4° 10′ N, 73° 30′ E)
Been to Epic regionsBeen to Epic regions Epic: Fernando de Noronha
Been to Very rare regionsBeen to Very rare regions Very rare: Nueva Esparta
Joined: 1 year ago