Top travellers

From Portugal
by Travelers’ Century Club’s  list of countries and territories

121.Ana Ramos From Portugal 10111434118
122.mihaelatoma From Portugal 1313133157
123.Ruby Line From Portugal 1313132434
124.lot From Portugal 1212132032
125.LOST_saramartins From Portugal 1111133251
126.vantunescampus From Portugal 1111132654
127.Nuno Miguel Cardoso From Portugal 10111331179
128.maria ines Vieira From Portugal 1212122226
129.Jiri Melichar From Portugal 1112122265
130.Benweaver03 From Portugal 1111121718
131.Omar el-gendy From Portugal 1111121313
132.dafibago From Portugal 1011122575
133.Celso Fernandes From Portugal 1010121937
134.mariafariaaa From Portugal 99122327
135.juno2820 From Portugal 99121776
136.Maggie Gattesco From Portugal 88123159
137.Miguel Fernandes Nunes From Portugal 1111114269
138.andre Santos From Portugal 1111111945
139.Karim Hadjri From Portugal 1111111214
140.Renato N. Pereira From Portugal 10101133237
141.Rosa Rego From Portugal 1010112670
142.EF88 From Portugal 10101125227
143.Leonor​Dias From Portugal 10101123108
144.leodiassss From Portugal 1010112051
145.Diogo Silva From Portugal 89111828
146.André Maria From Portugal 88112276
147.Zack Anderson From Portugal 67112352
148.André Aarão From Portugal 1010101621
149.Beatriz Lemos From Portugal 910102364
150.Tomas From Portugal 99102787
151.bernardoqueiros From Portugal 99101983
152.nehir12 From Portugal 99101723
153.Henrique Lin From Portugal Also from China 89102779
154.sara marujo From Portugal 89101851
155.Gonçalo Rebelo From Portugal 88102079
156.inescpalma From Portugal 77101619
157.Pedro Ribeiro From Portugal 441022181
158.Tiago Costa Marques From Portugal 99919173
159.Panocho From Portugal 9991213
160.lizhaferko From Portugal 8993856