Top travellers

From Australia
by total number of visited regions, states, provinces, oblasts, etc

1.Jeremy H From Australia 698193219846
2.michaelsaintclar From Australia 778291188252
3.Ignatios Tsiriplis From Australia Also from Greece 5167831831446
4.martymetalhead From Australia 94102110173242
5.Johnny Gallagher From Australia 606368158323
6.n20770709 From Australia 525564144469
7.HSIE teacher From Australia 535868140205
8.Barboz From Australia 475059138237
9.Stephen​Yarwood From Australia 434853131754
10.Jim W From Australia Also from UK 556269128541
11.Caitlin Goodreid From Australia 545771128162
12.Shahab From Australia 434350127370
13.Francine Davis From Australia 434551126420
14.quarkuud From Australia 697479120165
15.nxanthis From Australia 465058120288
16.seumas From Australia 303338116193
17.Tecki From Australia 475053113204
18.adam From Australia 384151112191
19.Daniel Sparrow From Australia 414352110293
20.Steve and Em Morales From Australia 474957109301
21.John Willans From Australia 404349104176
22.robsyl From Australia 444759103264
23.Deepa Cook From Australia 324043103142
24.miketorbett From Australia 272831102416
25.Mike Oakley From Australia 374149100453
26.L From Australia 39404595330
27.elmartin76 From Australia 31323591487
28.Michael Gomersall From Australia 33364188281
29.charlotte From Australia 35354286118
30.Paul Freher From Australia 26283086124
31.lisashank From Australia 24263383159
32.Pat From Australia Also from USA 34353682242
33.Stefan Goldfinch From Australia 26293480263
34.Nick Browne From Australia 26293279203
35.Glenn Stewart From Australia 23252878248
36.msmelster8 From Australia 4344527699
37.drbenj82 From Australia 27303375140
38.gypsy_jules From Australia 32374274115
39.beck.stokes​ From Australia 22232574224
40.Karlo Doroc From Australia 25273072140